Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Initiation of the Cerebrations

Greetings, O mortal one.

I shall not say welcome, because quite frankly thou art not welcome here. 'Tis only by our good graces that thou hast been blessed with access to this sacred page.

Know that mine eyes and the eyes of mine sister souls shall be keeping a strict and stringent watch over thy mortal activities.

If thou wishest to apply to our divine goodwill, thou must observe our divine ceremonies. In order not to confound thee, I shall keep my instruction simple for now:

The Ten Commandments of the Quad-Souled Goddess

I. Thou shalt not refer to us as "goddesses." We are singular.
II. Thou shalt not confuse souls 1, 2, 3, and 4; on pain of banishment.
III. Thou shalt respect the banishment, 4realz.
IV. Thou shalt make periodic offerings of butterless popcorn and/or biscotti.
V. Thou shalt observe our birthday faithfully.
VI. Thou shalt remember that we are turning 29 this year. And we don't care that we were born in 0 AD. We are turning 29.
VII. Thou shalt not pronounce, write, type, or otherwise communicate the full name of our sacredest holy object, the MRWP.
VIII. Thou shalt love the sacred animal (that being the golden retriever).
IX. Thou shalt shun the evil animal (that being Soul 2's feline creature).
X. Thou shalt always make lists of 10.
Also, thou shalt hearken to me, Soul 1, for further instruction on proper ceremonial behavior and rituals. They shall be coming forthwith.

~ Soul 1

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